Tuesday, October 5, 2010

**Updated Pics**

Just a few pics from the past week. From me with my pretty blue makeup and me just strapped into the hummer going to Wally World to me and Joe out with the Firehouse crew at The Art Bar in The Vista :)


Patriot's Day - Ft Jackson

So for Patriot's Day our boss was like hey yall are working the Kid Rock concert then they were like nah nevermind yall arent working then the day before the concert they tell us we are working for sure. Although, none of us knew what we were doing I ended up letting the vendors into the venue it was cool I got to be a billy badass and be the little mexican that said if you could or couldn't get in BWAHAHAH!! Anywho we ended up working from 3 til 8 pm and then after that got to go into the VIP tent and get the best present of all! FREE BEER!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOTTTTTT!!! Shaunna and I made it a point to chug as much as possible and i think we got to 9 beers in 45 mins :) we are boss!!!! Anywho here a couple of pics lol


Sadie Martin Shoot

A big thank you to my newest model Sadie Martin. She was awesome to shoot such a gorgeous chica and can't wait to shoot with her again!! Here are a few shots that i got! Enjoy

-Mrs. Gavin